
panphora.css demo

better default styles for HTML

# Colors


# Headings

h1 I am most important. I am most important.

h2 Back in my quaint garden in paradise

h3 Jaunty zinnias vie with with with flaunting phlox.

h4 Five or six big jet planes zoomed quickly quickly by the new tower.

h5 Expect skilled signwriters to use many jazzy, quaint old alphabets effectively.
h6 Pack my my my my my box with five dozen my my my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

# Phrasing

em and i for emphasis

strong and b for importance.

del and s for deletions

meter and progress: 6 of 8 blocks used 37%

sub for subscripts: H2O.

sup for superscripts: E = MC2.

small for side comments cool

p for long text:

Artificial intelligence (AI) introduces unprecedented possibilities for humanity by rapidly analyzing vast datasets, transforming sectors from healthcare to finance.

In medicine, AI assists in early disease detection and personalizes treatments, enhancing patient care and potentially saving lives.

# Some other elements


Trusting in the breath that fills me with life, practicing kindness towards myself in thought and smallest action.

details and summary:

Copying... 25%
  • Transfer rate: 452KB/s
  • Duration: 01:16:27
  • Dimensions: 320×240

# Form Elements

Fill in your email address!


With auto-expand!

with <label class="choice-label">

without <label class="choice-label">

# Buttons


# Lists

ul and ol:

  1. List item one
    1. List item one
      1. List item one
      2. List item two
      3. List item three
      4. List item four

# Code


pre {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-secondary-border), var(--color-secondary-border) 5px, var(--color-light-bg) 5px, var(--color-light-bg));
<script>window.content = {}</script>

# Tables

Person Number Third Column
Someone Lastname 900 Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.
Person Name 1200 Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

# Embeds





Quadratic Equation x = - b ± b 2 - 4 a c 2 a



# Extras


Welcome to BurritoPay: Think in Burritos, Not Bucks!

🌯 Have you ever wondered how many burritos your money can get you? At BurritoPay, we bring a fun and mouth-watering twist to saving money.


By comparing the costs of various activities and purchases to the price of a delicious burrito (which costs $8, by the way), you can visualize and truly grasp the value of your spending choices! here's a link!

I'm a blockquote!

Some code:
pre {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-secondary-border), var(--color-secondary-border) 5px, var(--color-light-bg) 5px, var(--color-light-bg));
Sign up now!


Welcome to BurritoPay: Think in Burritos, Not Bucks!

🌯 Have you ever wondered how many burritos your money can get you? At BurritoPay, we bring a fun and mouth-watering twist to saving money.


By comparing the costs of various activities and purchases to the price of a delicious burrito (which costs $8, by the way), you can visualize and truly grasp the value of your spending choices! here's a link!

I'm a blockquote!

Some code:
pre {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, var(--color-secondary-border), var(--color-secondary-border) 5px, var(--color-light-bg) 5px, var(--color-light-bg));
Sign up now!

.e bordered text input:

.e bordered text input (pill style):

.e bordered text input (expandable pill style):

.u underlined text input:

Some helper text